
Demo Intro: Tracking COVID-19

Graph data technology reveals the patterns, clusters, and outliers in data sets of all shapes and sizes. That’s why public health organizations all over the world are using graphs to show the impact of interventions and policy.

In this demo, Gemini Explore has imported data from a public health organization in Taiwan that is doing contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This graph of a global data set shows the connections between individuals, their age group, country of residence, symptoms, and other data points. Graphing the relationships between the various nodes of patient data reveals this particular outbreak is linked to a taxi driver in Taiwan.

Gemini Explore for Life Sciences visualizes biomedical data as a collection of nodes and relationships. By connecting diverse biomedical data sources, such as clinical trials, lab results, health records, genomic databases, and publications, researchers have a whole new way to find the connections between data points for extracting insights and decision-making.